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Erasable Ink Pen, Size Pack Of 6 4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes )

Heres a ball point pen that lets you write in ink yet erase any errors quickly and easily. The secrets a special rubber on the end that turns the ink invisible. So crossings out or correction fluid are things of the past. Already a bit hit with crossword and Sudoku addicts, erasable ink pens are also ideal for personal letters, memos and notes.?Supplied in packs of three; one black, one blue and one red, our Erasable Pens help you get it write (correction, right) every time. Make no mi stake, this disappearing ink pen is a great value offer, especially when you add a set of mixed refills – 4 black, 4 blue and 2 red to your order. | Easylife Erasable Ink Pen, Size Pack Of 6

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