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Easylife Medosan Super Hair Plus, Size 200ml 4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes )

Medosan Super Hair Plus Shampoos blend of caffeine and plant extracts help stimulate the metabolism and encourage follicle . Leaves hair cleansed, conditioned and strengthened. Years of research by the Jean-Claudes Lourdes Institute has revealed the secret to full, thick and healthy hair. This amazing discovery has transformed the fight against hair problems. The Super Hair Plus range begins work from the very first application. Its natural plant extracts immediately stimulate the hair-generating cells. By increasing the supply of nutrients to the hair and boosting the metabolism, with production of hair keratin increased, giving you longer, stronger hair. For fullness and volume, massage Medo Hair Tonic, into the scalp after washing. Both 200ml bottles. | Easylife Medosan Super Hair Plus, Size 200ml Selling Fast!

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