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Easylife Hot & Cold Knee Support Nc1119/M-0291 4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes )

The Snuggle Blanket is a gigantic fleece blanket with large, loose sleeves and foot-cosy pockets. Designed to keep your entire body wrapped-up and cosy, hands remain free to talk on the phone, eat, click TV remotes, read a book, type on a laptop or even knit. Feet rest cosy in 30cm deep foot-pockets ensuring the blanket moves as you do, keeping the furthest extremities from chilly draughts. For use indoors or out, this new delight replaces any throw or multi-purpose bla nket. Made of soft, 210g/m°, non-pilling, 100% polyester fleece. It's machine washable and measures W140xL190cm. | Easylife Hot & Cold Knee Support Nc1119/m-0291

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