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Strength Training As well as needing explosive power, you also need more nutrients than those who follow gentle workouts. This combination of products will support energy, muscle growth and tone. They will prevent muscle breakdown and lactic acid during intense exercise, and support muscle pump during high intensity short bursts. What is L-Glutamine? Protein is essential for tissue production. Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid found in the human body. It is found in high concentrations in the brain, skeletal muscles, and stomach tissue. Although it is a non-essential amino acid, it can be made in the body, but demand for it may outstrip production. Acti-Fit L-Glutamine is 100% pure. Each daily serving provides 1000mg of pure glutamine powder. What is Creatine? Creatine monohydrate is one of the most researched sports supplements on the market. Used by both recreational gym goers and elite athletes alike. It is a non-essential compound that can be synthesised in the body or obtained through the diet but not to the levels needed to enhance muscle creatine stores. Creatine plays a critical role in energy production during high-intensity muscle contractions. The benefits of supplementation include: increased power, improved muscle strength & tone, and improved performance in short-term high-intensity exercise. It is popular with powerlifters, bodybuilders, footballers, and sprinters. Our creatine also includes sugars. When creatine is taken with sugars it causes insulin to be produced. This insulin carries creatine into the muscle effectively. What’s in it? We’ve used creatine monohydrate. This form of creatine is the most researched. ‘Monohydrate’ simply means that the creatine has been linked with a molecule of water for stability. Our creatine also includes fructose. What is Amino-Mix? A balanced blend of essential and non-essential amino acids, including branched-chain aminos. This formula is suitable for anyone who is concerned about their overall prot

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