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Easylife Vigorine 60 Tablets in Blue, Glass 4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes )

A scientific study funded by the US Department of Agriculture shows that citrulline, a 100% natural substance derived from the humble watermelon, appears to produce much the same effect as the little blue pill which may come as welcome news to the estimated 50% of men over 50 who experience some degree of erectile dysfunction. According to the American scientists, the citrulline extracted from watermelon acts as a powerful vasodilator which boosts blood circulation and dilation of the arteries. This, in turn, is believed to improve both the quality and duration of erections. Vigorine also contains specific nutrients which have been approved by the European Food Safety Authority and have been shown to help maintain normal and spermiogenesis. Simply take 2 capsules in the morning with a glass of water and enjoy a more fulfilling love life. Bottle: 60 tablets | Easylife Vigorine 60 Tablets in Blue, Glass

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