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Birdoswald was one of 16 Roman forts built to guard Hadrian’s Wall – the north-western frontier of the Roman Empire. This strategic location, on a high promontory overlooking the Irthing valley, was home to a garrison of auxiliary troops for nearly 300 years. From the early third century this was the cohors I Aelia Dacorum, an infantry unit from modern-day Romania. A thriving settlement grew up around the fort and people from across the Empire made their homes here.    After Roman rule in Britain collapsed in the late fourth century, Birdoswald was not abandoned, but continued as the base for a local élite who lived within the fort walls in a series of grand timber halls. In medieval times and later, people living in this troubled Border region took advantage of the remaining fort defences and the ready supply of stone to build a tower house and a bastle house. These were succeeded by the farmhouse, which still stands today.    This fully revised guidebook includes a new feature on the Roman landscape around Birdoswald, new reconstruction illustrations, maps and plans, and all new site photography, and tells the complete story of how this site developed over nearly 1,900 years.  Key Features: Published – July 2018 Paperback 48 pages

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